Dawnstar Lyrics
We have the choice, the choice of how we live our lives, as long as we do so consciously and don’t allow ourselves to be manipulated by lies that are around us and from within.
We have the choice, the choice of how we live our lives, as long as we do so consciously and don’t allow ourselves to be manipulated by lies that are around us and from within.
Recently, there have been fewer new poems because I have been more concerned with colors and melodies, even if they were mostly not my own. But here are a few new lyrical reflections.
Zu den beliebtesten Beiträgen auf Anastratin.de gehören diverse Gedichte in Deutsch und Englisch. In den letzten Jahren sind es auch viele geworden, über hundert inzwischen.
This is an English version sample from the light novel „The Fall of House Aeryn“, written by Martin Duehning. This sample also contains an excerpt from the audiobook.
This is the English version of the tale „Jeder Tag ist ein kleines Leben“, written by Martin Duehning. You can also find a audiobook version of the article.
Once I had to deal with some deplorable people who thought hope was a gift from Pandora, a harmful poison. That’s a truly outlandish view. It bewilders me how one can live with such an attitude.
For many, the obvious only becomes visible when someone puts it into words, condenses it in sentences – and that is why poems are still important today.
Greeting from the Fairy Domain. Today there are some new poems…
It’s war in Europe again. An aggressive, merciless assault by Russia’s dictator Putin against a much smaller country. There is not much we can do – but at least we can write.
Some English Poetry to the day of Saint Valentine..
Last but not least: One more Poem for 2021…
There are things between heaven and earth, that are not yours. And they cannot be banished with knowledge or power, for they all must follow the sun’s preordained course…
Times are changing, not entirely unpredictable events are progressing. This does not mean that one could not have directed them better – if one had wanted to …
There are losses in life that you survive, but not quite – something will always be missing, shadows remain, fine cracks. And though much time passes, it will never heal.
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